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Sanger video banner 2019

David E. Sanger. Frontier cyberwars and what’s next.

By Fergus Hanson and David E. Sanger

As national security correspondent for The New York Times David E. Sanger has had a ringside view on the evolution of the cyber arms race, breaking stories on the world’s most sophisticated, deployed cyber weapons. A strong advocate for greater public debate on the use and applications of these new tools, David has helped spark that discussion, including through his most recent book The Perfect Weapon: War, Sabotage, and Fear in the Cyber Age. With the US Government now setting a new, more forward-leaning approach for use of its offensive cyber capabilities how can we expect conflict in this new domain to develop?

ASPI’s International Cyber Policy Centre is pleased to partner with The New York Times for this intimate in-conversation with one of the world’s leading cyber thinkers and journalists.