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Our Failing Neighbour - Australia and the future of Solomon Islands

By Elsina Wainwright

Solomon Islands, one of Australia's nearest neighbours, is a failing state. Over the past five years, a slow-burning political and security crisis has paralysed the country's capital, stifled its economy, disrupted government, discouraged aid donors, and inflicted suffering and hardship on its people.

This report examines Australia's interests and the problems facing Solomon Islands. It sets out the following possible policy approach: Australia could initiate and support a sustained, comprehensive multinational effort, which, with consent of Solomon Islands, would undertake a 2 phase program to rehabilitate the country.

The report was prepared by Elsina Wainwright with contributions from Quinton Clements, Mary-Louise O'Callaghan, Greg Urwin and perspectives provided by Sr Fr John Ini Lapli and Sir Peter Kenilorea.