22 February 2023
Be’er Sheva Dialogue 2022 - Proceedings and Outcomes
The Eighth annual Be’er Sheva Dialogue was held in Canberra on 21 November 2022. We kindly thank the Australia Israel Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC), the Pratt Foundation and the Embassy of Israel in Australia for their support and partnership in the development of this year’s Dialogue.
The Dialogue is named in honour of the Battle of Beersheba (1917), with the 2022 Dialogue marking the 105th anniversary of the battle. Since its inception in 2015, the Dialogue has brought together defence officials, senior parliamentarians and analysts from both Australia and Israel to discuss areas of shared strategic interests and challenges, as well as the potential for collaboration.
Discussions during the Dialogue affirmed the significant potential for growth in the security relationship, especially military to military cooperation and sharing experiences and perspectives of defence industry. A recurring message during the Dialogue was that Israel’s experience with respect to sovereign development of defence and security capabilities and enhancement of weapon systems could be a valuable one for Australia to learn. This was highlighted by the Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister the Hon Richard Marles MP in opening the Dialogue:
Australia looks to Israel as an example of a nation which has been a leader in defence strategic thinking—be it in regard to its defence industry capabilities (and the innovation system, economy and workforce built around that) or in regard to its deep cultural relationship with science and technology. As we look forward, we need to think about how we can continue to deepen our bilateral relationship, which also extends to the relationship between our militaries and defence industries.
The Be’er Sheva Dialogue remains an invaluable forum for having these candid and constructive debates.
We look forward to the 2023 Be’er Sheva Dialogue in Israel.