23 Nov 2022
PGM: What’s In A Name? The Australia-Indonesia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership - Episode 1
‘What’s In A Name? The Australia-Indonesia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership’. In a new special podcast series, ASPI’s Dr David Engel and Dr Gatra Priyandita explore the Australia-Indonesia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and the ‘five pillars’ supporting it.
In the coming weeks, David and Gatra will be joined by leading thinkers on the Australia-Indonesia relationship to discuss the historical background behind and future of the Partnership.
In this week’s episode, they speak to Professor Dewi Fortuna Anwar and Allan Gyngell AO about Australia-Indonesia relations, the aspirations for the Partnership and its potential, and the different approaches the two countries take to foreign policy.
Guests (in order of appearance):
Dr David Engel: www.aspi.org.au/bio/david-engel
Dr Gatra Priyandita: www.aspi.org.au/bio/gatra-priyandita
Professor Dewi Fortuna Anwar
Allan Gyngell AO: crawford.anu.edu.au/people/visitors/allan-gyngell
Psychic by Ketsa, licensed with permission from the Independent Music Licensing Collective - imlcollective.uk