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Mixing Desk JUN2021

PGM Special: ICRC DG Robert Mardini & Norway's Military Representative to NATO, VADM Louise Dedichen

In this episode, Justin Bassi speaks to Director-General of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Robert Mardini. They discuss the importance of neutrality to the ICRC’s work, how the development of technology is impacting conflict and the challenges international humanitarian actors face in getting access to affected populations.

Dr Alex Bristow speaks to Vice Admiral Louise Dedichen, Norwegian Military Representative to NATO. They discuss opportunities for progress in the global Women, Peace and Security agenda, NATO’s online presence and how they are combating disinformation and NATO’s views on Russia’s war on Ukraine.

Guests (in order of appearance):
Justin Bassi:
Robert Mardini:
Dr Alex Bristow:
VADM Louise Dedichen:…ilrep-dedichen.pdf

Music: "Just Wondering" by Maarten Schellekens, licensed with permission from the Independent Music Licensing Collective -