05 Jul 2024
Stop the World: AUKUS, industry and public support with Sophia Gaston and Eric Chewning
In this episode of Stop the World, we bring you the final interview from our special series recorded from the sidelines of the ASPI Defence Conference ‘JoiningFORCES’. And today it’s all about AUKUS.
ASPI's Director of The Sydney Dialogue, Dr. Alex Caples, is joined by Sophia Gaston, Head of Foreign Policy at Policy Exchange, and Eric Chewning, Executive Vice President of Strategy and Development at HII.
Alex, Sophia and Eric reflect on the progress that has been made on AUKUS, the role of industry in ensuring AUKUS succeeds, and the ongoing challenges such as workforce. The conversation also focuses on political and public support for AUKUS, which has been made even more timely by this week's UK election, and the looming presidential and congressional elections in the United States.
Mentioned in this episode: The AUKUS goal: balancing power in the region, by Justin Bassi