08 Dec 2023
PGM: How parliamentarians view cybersecurity and critical technology, with Gai Brodtmann
What do Australia’s parliamentarians think about cybersecurity and critical technology?
In this special episode, David Wroe speaks to ASPI Chair and former parliamentarian Gai Brodtmann about the landmark study she led which canvasses the views of parliamentarians on cyber security and critical technologies. They discuss the results of this ASPI study, including gaps in knowledge, differences of opinion and unexpected responses, and how policymakers can keep pace with technological developments that underpin all aspects of society, including areas such as health, infrastructure, defence and the economy.
Mentioned in this episode:
What do Australia's parliamentarians think about cybersecurity and critical technology?
David Wroe
Gai Brodtmann
Music: "Righteous" by Ketsa, licensed with permission from the Independent Music Licensing Collective - imlcollective.uk