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Where to next for the Indigenous Procurement Policy?

Where to next for the Indigenous Procurement Policy?

Speakers Huon Curtis, Dion Devow, Celia Perkins, Aunty Lorraine Hatton, Neal McGarrity, Edwin James Mi Mi and Darren Godwell

In September 2021 the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) reported the latest data of the Indigenous Procurement Policy (IPP). Defence has awarded $600 million dollars’ worth of contracts, six times its value target, and a doubling of the value from the last reporting period ($350m in 2018/19). But is this the full story?
Hosted by the ASPI International Cyber Policy Centre’s IndigiCyber, Defence & Space Program, this online roundtable ‘Where to next for the Indigenous Procurement Policy?’ will provide an opportunity for attendees to discuss and explore the IPP, and potential opportunities for Indigenous businesses.
Earlier this year, the Standing Committee on Indigenous Affairs held an inquiry into pathways and barriers for Indigenous businesses and workforce challenges for Indigenous Australians. While the resilience of Indigenous businesses and their role in providing employment opportunities to Indigenous communities was clear, many barriers were also discussed, including access to finance, discrimination and opportunities to build capability.
This event will feature remarks from the recently appointed Defence Indigenous Champion Celia Perkins, Deputy Secretary Estate & Infrastructure; and a panel discussion with Australian Army Elder Lorraine Hatton, Army veteran Edwin Jim Mi Mi, Bullroarers Co-Founder and Director Neal McGarrity, Michael McMillan, Australian Expedition Vehicles, and Darren Godwell, Chief Executive Officer, i2i Global.

Attendance at this event is by invitation only, however if you are interested in attending, please contact Gabriel Zito via [email protected].


Huon Curtis

Huon is a consultant and a founding partner of Digital Resilience Network, a resilience advisory firm.

Dion Devow

Dion Devow is an Indigenous engagement specialist working with ASPI's International Cyber Policy Centre.

Celia Perkins

Ms. Celia Perkins is Deputy Secretary, Estate and Infrastructure Group, Department of Defence.

Aunty Lorraine Hatton

Aunty Lorraine is an Indigenous Elder for the Australian Army, and a Quandamooka Elder of the Noonuccal and Ngughi tribes in South-East Queensland.

Neal McGarrity

Cornelius (Neal) McGarrity is the Co-Founder and Director of Bullroarers, and a proud Indigenous Biripi-Dunghutti man with a strong career spent serving community and country.

Edwin James Mi Mi

Edwin James (Jim) Mi Mi is the Chief Cultural Ambassador of Bullroarers, and a Retired Warrant Officer Class 2 in the Royal Australian Infantry Corp, Australian Army.

Darren Godwell

Darren is the Chief Executive Officer of i2i Global.