Disruption and Deterrence: The 2023 ASPI Conference
Speakers Hon Richard Marles MP, Hon Pat Conroy MP, General Angus J. Campbell AO DSC, Dr Ross Babbage, Amrit Bagia, Steve Baxter, Angus Bean, Lieutenant General Greg Bilton, Dr Alex Bristow, Ms Gai Brodtmann, Dr Alex Caples, Lisa Curtis, Malcolm Davis, Robert Glasser, Euan Graham, Maynard Holliday, Takeshi Ishikawa , Jennifer Jackett , Hugh Jeffrey , Kate Louis, Ignacio Briones Madriaga, Vice Admiral Jonathan Mead AO RAN, Dr Go Myong-Hyun, Jennifer Parker, James Paterson, Sarah Pavillard, Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan, Major General Anthony Rawlins DSC, AM, Dr Brad Roberts , Corry Roberts, Dr Kori Schake, Paul Scharre, Matthew Schlueter, Bec Shrimpton, Carley Scott OAM, Andrew Shearer, Sean Singleton, Lieutenant General Stephen D. Sklenka, Courtney Stewart, Dr Marcus Thompson , Ashley Townshend, Andi Widjajanto and Dr Isaiah Wilson III
The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) is pleased to announce that we will hold our annual conference, ‘Disruption and Deterrence’, on 14-15 September 2023.
More Information and Registration
Our region and our world are in a period of major strategic disruption, with China’s rise creating instability in the Indo-Pacific and Russia’s illegal war against Ukraine bringing catastrophic war to Europe for the first time in decades. Effective deterrence, built upon a strong Australian Defence Force that works closely with allies and partners, will be a vital part of ensuring a sustainable strategic balance in the Indo-Pacific.
The simultaneous disruptive power of rapid changes in technology carries risks and opportunities for Australia and its partners as they invest in superior capabilities and look to integrate those capabilities into a seamless force.
How Australia harnesses all elements of its national power - military, technological, industrial, economic and diplomatic - is a vital conversation to which our conference will make a lasting contribution.
The conference will bring together Australian government ministers, senior defence officials, leading industry figures, and international experts to tackle these challenges, and explore key trends and areas of innovation.
As one of the most highly-anticipated events on the calendar for the national security community, the ASPI conference will be an unparalleled networking opportunity while also seeking to inform, stimulate and generate real discussion.
It will also feature a mix of keynote addresses, panel discussions, interactive events and technical demonstrations, on current and emerging issues including:
- Innovation and disruption in defence
- AUKUS, submarines and critical technology
- The implications of the Defence Strategic Review
- Hybrid threats and grey zone operations
- Cybersecurity and cyberwarfare
- The new space domain
- Climate and national security
- Global and regional trends
Cost: $2200 (GST included).
More Information and Registration
Please note, ticket purchases include admission to both days of the conference as well as the official dinner to be hosted on Thursday 14 September from 6.30pm - 9.30pm, with a special guest keynote speaker.
For general information, or to sponsor the event, please contact [email protected]. For media opportunities, please contact [email protected]