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Rear Admiral Jens Nykvist

Chief of Staff, Royal Swedish Navy

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Rear Admiral Jens Nykvist is the Chief of Staff to the Royal Swedish Navy. 

His background is within the Swedish Submarine Force. He has worked in several positions on-board submarines and was the CO of the submarine HSwMS Gotland, when it was stationed in San Diego, USA. RADM Nykvist was also in charge of the Swedish Contingent during HSwMS Gotland second year in the U.S working at Third Fleet.

He is a graduate of the Command College in Stockholm 2007-2009. After the Command College he worked as the Chief of Staff at the Submarine Flotilla. In 2011 he worked in the HQ as ACOS at the Joint Strategy and Operational Staff. From 2012-2013, he was a student at the Naval Command College (NCC 2013), Newport, USA and then he became head of Naval Operations at J3 Joint Strategy and Operational Staff.

In December 2013, he was promoted to CAPT (N) and Commander 1st Submarine Flotilla. From April until September 2015 he worked as Chief of Staff in EU NAVFOR FHQ Operation Atalanta in Somali Basin/Gulf of Aden. When returning back home he continued as Commander 1st Submarine Flotilla.
4 May 2016 Chief of Staff Royal Swedish Navy and promoted to Rear Admiral.

RADM Nykvist also holds an MA in international Relations from Salve Regina University, Newport, USA.