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Joe Morrison

Managing Director, Six Seasons

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Joe Morrison has Dagoman and Torres Strait Islander heritage and has over 25 years experience working with Indigenous people in northern Australia and with Indigenous people globally.

He has extensive advocacy, policy, research and practical experience in climate change, traditional knowledge conservation, fire management and carbon economies, water rights, public policy, Indigenous institutional governance, negotiating agreements and reforming and leading complex institutions. He has published in these and related areas.

He has a BA in Land Management from the University of Sydney and an Honorary Doctorate from the University of New South Wales for his contribution to Indigenous land and sea management, policy development, advocacy and related topics nationally.

He is currently the Managing Director of Six Seasons Pty Ltd, a company established with his wife Belinda Oliver a geospatial expert, to advance Indigenous policy through practical solutions. Prior to this he was the Chief Executive Officer of the Northern Land Council and the North Australian Indigenous Land & Sea Management Alliance spanning 18 years. He is currently a Director of the Environmental Defenders Office Australia, Australian Native Foods and Botanicals and Ilkara Wilpena Resort, is advising a US based Foundation, Nia Tero on working with Indigenous people to secure their guardianship of globally important territories.