Clair Deevy
Director of Public Policy, WhatsApp; External Contributor
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Clair Deevy was appointed as Director of Public Policy for WhatsApp in 2019.
She joined Facebook in 2015 and was previously Director of Community Affairs for Asia Pacific and Latin America. Working in the field of policy, communications and community partnerships for more than 20 years Clair’s professional and volunteer experience includes work in Government, NGOs, private sector and corporate foundations.
As Director of WhatsApp Clair develops and supports WhatsApp’s policy strategy and engagement throughout the world working with a cross-functional global team. Clair also manages strategic outreach to a wide variety of stakeholders across all sectors around issues and opportunities related to WhatsApp.
Previously with Microsoft for 10 years Clair’s spent most of her career there leading Microsoft’s Corporate Social Responsibility programs in Asia Pacific. Clair has developed a deep knowledge in the areas of digital and financial literacy, community engagement, women’s empowerment, and creating partnerships to create opportunities for positive social impact.
Clair holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Environmental Management, a Master of Management, is a qualified Partnership Broker and in 2014 was appointed an Ambassador for Women in Technology for UNWomen Singapore Committee.